A Viral IG Reel, Cycle Tracking and Birth Control: The Truth
In this episode, Cassandra shares about her most recent Instagram experience with a Reel that went viral at 1.7 MILLION views! Omg! Sharing a reel about hormonal birth control and cycle tracking created quite a bit of polarity on the internet with some people excited to see this being shared and others… well they were less than stoked. GET ON THE WAITING LIST FOR PERIOD REBOOT 2021!!! The doors open June of 2021! Wooh! www.cassandrawilder.com/period Don’t miss getting on the waiting list for a special opportunity and bonus! In this episode you’ll hear Cassandra talk about: The truths and misconceptions about birth control and fertility awareness Is fertility awareness the same thing as the rhythm method? The reel that went viral and how people responded And where to go from here Tag me on IG @menstruationqueen if you loved this episode!