Cervical Mucus 101 and Tracking Ovulation with Nathalie Daudet
In this episode, Cassandra welcomes the creator of the Fertility Awareness Project and FAM expert Nathalie Daudet. This juicy episode will leave you amazed and even more in awe of your body as they talk about cervical mucus, what FAM is and how it actually works. In this episode you’ll learn: What FAM is and how it works (you may be surprised!) Why tracking BBT is powerful and also why cervical mucus is key How your cervical mucus changes throughout the month The easiest ways to track CM How our CM may look if we’re not ovulating What a lot of discharge means vs. dryness all month How tracking CM gives us deep insights into our body and reproductive health as a whole And so much more Love this episode? Screenshot it and tag Cassandra @menstruationqueen and Nathalie @fertilityawarenessproject to celebrate! Nathalie Daudet is a certified fertility awareness educator, social worker and menstrual cycle coach who discovered fertility awareness after searching high and low for a non-hormonal method of birth control. After learning the magic of fertility awareness and the gift of body literacy, she decided to pursue formal fertility awareness training and Fertility Awareness Project was born. FAM Fundamentals is the best way to dip your toes into the water with FAM and learn how to start tracking! Want to see Nathalie’s cervical mucus guide? Find it here: https://fertilityawarenessproject.ca/blog/ultimate-guide-to-cervical-mucus-with-photos