Full Alignment in my Cyclical Business in 2021
This week on the podcast, Dr. Cassandra shares how she has created a business that FEELS good as a sought after Naturopathic Doctor and cyclical health expert. While many of us become entrepreneurs seeking more ease and freedom, it’s also VERY easy to feel like you work harder and stay up later trying to get everything done and feel exhausted by your biz. But… maybe it doesn’t have to be this way? Get on the waiting list for Cyclical Business here - https://www.cassandrawilder.com/business In this episode you’ll learn: How to create a business with more ease and alignment Cassandra’s tips to create new business rules Why Cassandra schedules time off in January for the entire year Is it good to work during your period? How to actually magnetize dream clients to you What it means to work cyclically And so much more Follow Cassandra on IG @menstruationqueen Grab your FREE Balanced Period Bundle at www.cassandrawilder.com/free-bundle