The Biggest Myths About PCOS (and what to do instead)
In this episode, Dr. Cassandra takes on one of the most common reproductive concerns women are facing: PCOS. While 1/10 women struggle with PCOS, there’s a lot of confusing and downright incorrect information out there around healing and symptom management. In this episode, you’ll learn the five biggest misconceptions surrounding PCOS. You’ve probably wondered: Can I get pregnant with PCOS? What is the test for PCOS? Do you have to be overweight to have PCOS? Should you be on birth control if you have PCOS? And so much more. If you’re ready to get to the root of your PCOS and work with Dr. Cassandra, you can apply at Or, looking for a supportive community and comprehensive guide around healing your cycle, regulating your blood sugar and ovulating regularly? Get on the waiting list for Period Reboot at Sign up for the Healing Post Birth Control workshop at