EP. 5: ADHD and Medication
Tracy Otsuka Show Notes Title: ADHD and Medication Tracy shares her experience with medication for her son and herself. When my son was diagnosed medication was the only thing recommended which didn’t feel right to us. Today we’re talking medications and my personal insights about how they worked (or didn’t work) for us. I hope it’s helpful for you as you navigate the prescription roller coaster. Here are a few highlights from this episode: Tracy shares her extensive list of medications that were prescribed. Side effects and how they impacted me. Testing options and why it might help your Dr. prescribe meds that may work better and have fewer side effects. My son’s experience with medication. His feedback and what I noticed weren’t the same, but we both came to the same conclusion. I found Dr. Dale Archer’s information helpful. You may appreciate his insights as well. Why a medicated “new normal” may not be right for you or your child and how to recognize it. The worst-case scenario, and why you have to be proactive. Why your family Dr. may not understand your ADHD and where they get their info. Hint: It’s not in medical school. What we don’t know about these medications especially the long-term effects for the ADHD brain. Why ADHD people do well in the military; an unexpected benefit of structure. Are we medicating our uniqueness? Is that a good idea? Tracy shares a real-life story of a woman’s before and after experience with medication. When medication for routine can help and when it can hurt. Tracy’s Rx for medication. She breaks down multiple options separate from medication and useful tips for getting the right medication for you. Here are the links for resources Tracy mentioned. Genesite Join the Facebook Group The ADHD Advantage: What You Thought Was a Diagnosis May Be Your Greatest Strength