"And Then The Dam Burst": Learn One Skill To Stay Steady, In Control, and Binge-Free
It can feel like it comes out of "nowhere". One minute we are fine and the next we are shoving Oreos into our mouth as fast as we can. How does this sudden and complete shift happen? Why does a meltdown sneak up on us so easily?Knowing how to pick up on the right signals ahead of time means you can prevent yourself from attacks of runaway eating. You can keep your cool, and defuse the tension before it explodes.But if you don't know where or when to look for the warning signs, of course you'll keep being caught off guard, and keep suffering from tsunami emotions that knock you over without warning. That's no good! Let's start today with learning more about which silent signals you want to pay attention to, so you can stay steady, in-control, and binge-free.