22: Are Amnesties Ever Acceptable? With Rupert Skilbeck
In previous episodes we’ve explored avenues for accountability, but what about legal measures that may prevent it? In our season finale we discuss amnesties, which are rather popular in Libya (there have been at least four since 2011 that we know of). We’re joined by Rupert Skilbeck, barrister and Director of REDRESS, an organisation focused on seeking redress for victims of torture. We discuss the prohibition against blanket amnesties for gross human rights violations under international human rights law and some key victims’ rights including the right to a remedy; the right to an investigation; the right to truth; the right to cessation and guarantees of non-repetition; and the right to restitution, compensation, rehabilitation and satisfaction.
You can find Rupert on Twitter at @RupertSkilbeck
Libya Matters is a production of Lawyers for Justice in Libya. Find us at:
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