#24 Making a successful photo project with Mandy Burton

Be serious with yourself now. How long has that photo project you've been meaning to make for a while, just existed within that area of consciousness we call; The Back Burner? This week we're delighted to introduce Mandy Burton, Nikon and now Fujifilm shooter, with a story about making her very first photo project. Hopefully it'll inspire you, pros and amateurs alike to do the same thing.

100 Strangers and their Dogs project: http://bit.ly/2YlqKBp 
Simplr Straps: https://simplr.us/ 
X Weddings Conference: https://www.x-weddings.co.uk/ 
Kevin Mullins F16 site: https://f16.click/ 
Neale James: https://www.nealejames.com 

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