Living the Immortal Life | Theodore Parker | Unitarian
Listen to episode 2 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Living the Immortal Life, edited a adapted from Theodore Parker's Unitarian sermon on immortality. *Transcript Excerpt* : It is the belief of many that we shall all live forever. This is not a doctrine of Christianity alone. It belongs to the human race. But how did we come by this belief? Our ancestors did not sit down and think it out; never waited till they could prove it by logic and metaphysics; did not delay their belief till a miraculous revelation came to confirm it. It came to them by intuition; by instinctive belief, the belief which comes unavoidably from our nature. In this same way came the belief in a higher power; the redeeming power of love; and the yearning for justice. Some faculties of the body act spontaneously at first---so others of the spirit. Immortality is a fact of human nature; it is thus a part of the universe, just as the sun is a fact in the heavens and a part of the universe.... Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy a Opt-Out: