Middle Ground - Simple Ken | EP 12
Simple Ken is hosted by Kenny Sebastian, A stand up comedian known for his observational humour and quirky stage presence.
A simple podcast about tackling the weekly conflicts of a comedian.
A strictly "no advice" podcast.
Another week, another period of new living. I think we have reached peak “so-what-if-there-is-a-pandemic” phase. Cases are at an all time high, America is fighting for civil rights, We are wondering what the government is doing… With all of this, Seeking normalcy is why I recorded another #SimpleKen. In this episode, I talk about finding the middle ground with your parents, the fascination with being disappointed with our idols and why are teachers paid so less?
You can Tweet/Youtube/ Instagram your questions/topics/queries discuss for the next week episode using the hashtag #simpleken.
Simple Ken is available on all major podcasts platforms for free including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Gaana and Soundcloud.
Watch the video versions of all the episodes on Youtube @KennySebastian
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Watch short clips of it on Youtube @SimplekenPodcast
Official Website to hear and watch Simpleken - www.Simpleken.com
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