Thinking way outside the take out box with Provisions by Pure restaurant
It's no secret that restaurants, notoriously low profit businesses, have been closed to all but take out food service during this pandemic. Restaurant owners are taking a major economic hit, cooks are facing reduced or no hours, servers are facing no hours at all. In addition, banquets are being cancelled removing another form of income for restaurants. Many aren't closing completely so they can at least keep the doors open for when this is over. 15.3 million people work in the restaurant business. Many more in the companies who supply them. This is an industry hard hit.
What's one restaurant doing to stay open during this crisis? Thinking way outside of the box...the take out box. Listen as Chef Luke Houghton and Chef Sarah Hassler talk about what they are doing and how they are responding with a virtual four course dinner....take out three cities!
Visit Provisions by Pure on FaceBook to see more information and sign up for your virtual dinner.
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