TOUGH TALKS - E019 - Kelly Noonan Gores - Writer, Director, Producer
One of the most important reasons to strengthen the mind is because of its instantaneous, inextricable, and profound relationship with the body. In fact, with the quantity and quality of emerging scientific research these days on the mind-body relationship, I predict there’ll be a new, condensed word soon for “mind-body relationship” and it’ll simply be mind-body. --- Last year a documentary came out on the subject entitled, HEAL. I went to see it in the theaters and was blown away at how many brilliant experts were included and how densely packed the film is with hugely important information and practices for us to understand and integrate so that we can enjoy life with optimal health. --- I am over the moon pumped about the fact that our guest today is the Writer, Director, Producer of the fabulous and fabulously important documentary, Heal, Kelly Noonan Gores. --- There a million highlights from this conversation. In fact, the conversation ITSELF is one big highlight. But here are a few of the moments that moved me to make a note: -5:38 - When asked WHY she created this film, Kelly references the impact that Epigeneticist and Stem Cell Researcher, Dr. Bruce Lipton had upon her. -10:22 - The Universe is a Conspiracist! - 11:55 - I put her on the spot to summarize the main message of the movie into ONE sentence, and she hit it out of the park! -18:14 - Yep. We’re still a little “Cavemanny.” How our brains are still hardwired for surviving versus thriving. -19:04 - The old school Newtonian Physics vs. modern day Quantum Physics and how we Cause Effects with our minds and our hearts. -26:40 - Why mediation is so practical and important for us right now. “Decluttering.” -29:56 - The amazing near death experience and spontaneous (or not so spontaneous but certainly radical) remission of best selling author of the book, Dying To Be Me, Anita Moorjani’s stage 4 lymphoma. Her transition from fear to love and how that cured her. In 5 weeks! -37:08 - Channeling Pure Divine Love. -40:30 - Gregg Barden and the mechanics of Heart Math - how the heart and brain collaborate. -45:25 - Darren Weissman and his very unusual Lifeline Technique of healing, even severe diagnoses. -58:19 - The power of gratitude and not only giving thanks for what you have but also giving thanks for the future that you’re creating! --- How to follow/connect with Kelly: Facebook: Heal Documentary Instagram: @healdocumentary and @kellygores --- --- If you enjoyed this content and you are not getting notifications of new posts, then I invite you to signup to my list. Please also share this with the people in your world that would also dig this post and benefit from it. --- --- Send in a voice message: