Be Positive Only You Can Make You Happy
No one can make you happy. Only YOU can make you happy. Listen to some positive words for a change that may just inspire you to make yourself happy. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed, so let's be positive. Keep your thoughts on target with your goals and dreams and do not let others tamper with them at all. Stay on your defined path towards your goal and let no one derail you. If you’re enjoying the show, it’s safe to assume there are others out there like you who would also enjoy the show. Help them find it. Please share this podcast and maybe the person you share it with will overcome that one thing in life they were struggling with. Theme Music by: Robert Schultz • Schultz Music Publications Check out the Be Positive Stay Positive merchandise. All profits from merchandise goes to the book and to maintain the equipment used to produce this show. Please tell me your story. Go to the Website and tell me all about it. I'll discuss it on an upcoming podcast and give you a shoutout on the air.iTunes Spotify iHeart Podomatic Google Play TuneIn Stitcher Player FM Podbean Castbox Podtail Listen Notes Chartable Radio UK Feedspot YouTube Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin #bepositive #positivity #LawOfAttraction #subconsciousmind #self-improvement #infiniteintelligence