Getting around the codes and permits for natural buildings with Patrick Hennebery of Cobworks: 004
In this episode I got to interview one of my biggest heroes in the natural building world! Patrick Hennebery is one of the most prolific natural builders in North America having built more than 50 cob structures with his company cobworks, and 20 conventional homes. He's a completely self taught carpenter/builder who studied with Ianto Evans and the Cob Cottage Company in the early days when they were just starting the cob revival. He's especially passionate about teaching others to live more simply, buy less junk, and build their own shelter. In this interview Patrick talks about how he got interested in natural building and why he made the switch from industrial building, how you can get started learning to build for yourself, and many stories from his projects in Mexico as well as creative ways in which he got through the permitting process on this cob builds. As always, these episodes are meant to be a dialogue and conversation starter more than a lecture series. Especially in these early days of getting the podcast up and running I really appreciate feedback, comments, ideas, whatever. You can even e-mail me directly at info(at) I want to hear from you! If you enjoyed this episode please share it with your friends or others who you think might benefit from the information and insights in these episodes. I'm looking forward to making these as useful and informative for everyone looking to make the world and our environment a better place.