Mike Church Show-“You’ve Got JAIL!”-The Fauci Emails Prove 1 Thing, There IS A Cabal a He Serves It
Time Red Pill Topics a Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. HEADLINE RUNDOWN - AUDIO/VIDEO: National Geographic Movie about Dr. Tony Fauci Even though the emails that have been released are damaging. DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU ARE HEARING? CONSIDER MAKING A ONE TIME DONATION: https://crusadechannel.com/donate-to-the-crusade-channel/ 30m HEADLINE: Lake Highlands valedictorian’s speech against Texas ‘heartbeat bill’ goes viral by Talia Richman Paxton Smith gave a speech about how she lived in fear that her contraception would fail her. stop being a hoe she looks like a lesbian so why is she worried about contraception AUDIO/VIDEO: Valedictorian Paxton Smith Lake Highlands - pro-abort speech The Liberal Left has every single office yet continues to act as they are losing power. 44m HEADLINE: Man-monkey hybrid sparks fears of 'Frankenstein' creatures by Ryan Lovelace They allowed this mixed creature to grow for 19 days then the creature was terminated. They claim this was for science for human development. Where are they getting these stem cells? They are injecting human stem cells into monkey embryos. Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times www.crusadechannel.com/epoch (affiliate link) If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O'Connell directly at sales@mikechurch.com or Candace her personal email candace@mikechurch.com Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia. BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: http://brave.com/mik060 We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser. 7:15am cst Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders. Listen to us on ShortWave - 5850 Hogs For The Cause Please consider making a donation to the cause here: http://mikechurch.com/hogs 1h20m AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki - Launch of the Month of Action - getting everyone vaxxed by July 4th Biden Administration will launch a VAXX Tour- Where are the “keep your hands and laws off my body” people at? Where are the My Body My Choice? 72% of all Americans have been vaccinated already. Is that number not alarming to anyone but me? AUDIO/VIDEO: Alex Franks 17 - heart inflammation after 2nd Pfizer shot AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Dr. Fauci - “From the beginning, Tony Fauci was worried that the public might conclude covid had originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” HOW DID TRUMP COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT FAUCI WAS THE GUY, THE GUY TO BE TRUSTED? How did he get steered so wrong? This was the decision that ruined him. After we learned all of this…he still has a book deal and a movie. AUDIO/VIDEO: OAN News interviews Dr. Zelenko - Hydroxychloroquine, Z-pack and Zinc Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi - Frontline Doctors, California MSM Turning Their Backs on Fauci - You know why the MSM is throwing Dr. Fauci under the bus now? So they can say “we knew it all along that Trump appointed Dr. Fauci and Biden inherited him.” They aren’t done with going after Trump. If you like what you are hearing here on The Crusade Channel, please consider making a one time donation. https://crusadechannel.com/donate-to-the-crusade-channel/ Crusader Monastery - The Veritas Radio Network also have a praye...