Hijrah Time To Make Tracks
"Hijrah (migration) for the sake of Allaah means moving from the land of Shirk to the land of Islam, as the Muslims moved from Makkah before its people became Muslim to al-Madeenah, because it had become the city of Islaam after its people had pledged their allegiance (bay’ah) to the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) and asked him to make hijrah to them. So Hijrah means migrating to join other Muslims. Hijrah may also take the form of moving from one land of Shirk to another land of Shirk where evil is less prevalent and there is less danger to the Muslims, as when some of the Muslims migrated from Makkah, at the command of the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam), to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)." - kalamullah.com