Kitab AtTawheed Part 16 of 18

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi acquaints us with chapters 58 to 60 that deals with the prohibition of cursing natural occurrences like wind, temperature and more as this would indicate direct cursing of Allah, Nauzubillah. Abu’l Mundhir Ubayy ibn Ka’b said, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘Do not curse the wind. If you dislike what you see of it, then say, “O Allah, we ask You for the good of this wind and the good of what is in it and the good of what it is ordered to do. We seek refuge with You from the evil of this wind and the evil of what is in it and the evil of what it is ordered to do.” We should not be angry at Allah’s Decree but rather, we should be content and patient about it. Of the aspects of Qadr, we should believe firmly in the Qadr of Allah. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi elaborates on the topic of Qadr and we get acquainted with the three types of Qadr.  

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