The Man of Two Gardens
Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi discusses the story of the man with the two gardens which is mentioned in Surah Kahf. Through this story, Allah gives us the parable of this world with the Akhirah. The story gives us the lesson that the ultimate world is the hereafter. This story is about the fitnah of the pleasures of this world which caused the man with two gardens to be arrogant and undeterred by the presence of the actual Jannah in the Hereafter. The man falsely believed that all his wealth was his effort and good luck and that he was better than his friend. Allah says that his arrogance and delusion is what brought him down and the destruction of the garden is the ultimate proof of that. Because of his belief that his wealth would remain in continuity, he remained ignorant and so involved in this world that he made the mistake of even assuming that he would get even something better in the actual Jannah too since Allah has been happy with him. But he is humbled by his friend who reminds him of the feebleness of this creation and how temporary it is. He also admonishes him for indulging in Shirk by taking credit for his garden. Rather it was Allah alone who could give the creation whatever he chose to give.