Ep 014: How do I feed my kids without passing on my issues?
Raising children and all its food mess can bring up somepast,somewhat resolved, bad body thoughts. Throw in everyone'sopinionon the best way to feed your children, and you may feel likeyouare in an eating disorder relapse tailspin. How can youprovidevariety and teach healthy eating without sparking thateatingdisorder?? Can you prevent passing it on toyourchildren??
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Key Points:
- We don't cry over spilled milk in our house yet it can getundermy skin.
- When knee deep in the meal time chaos take a deep breath,stepback, and know many parents are feeling this same strugglefeedingtheir children. #TheStruggleIsReal
- Julie's daughter decided to go rouge with her sour creamandjust about freaked Julie out.
- With a few boundaries, our children will get the nutrientstheyneed without having to be constantly policed.
- Katie Holder RD rock and rolls in the meal time chaos.Sheprovides insight to get us through.
- Trust your instincts when something in feeding feels off.
- Peace at meal time happens when our kids feel safe andcompetentwith the food choices yet meal time may still feelbonkers.
- Family style dining can promote a healthy relationshipwithfood. Include a couple of starches, fruit, vegetable, aprotein,and couple sources of fat. Plop them on thetable. Kids decidehow much if any they will eat of these. Nopressure to eat certainfoods. No bribes. No foods beforeothers.
- Expect food jags due to preference and appetite. At two yearsofage, pickiness peaks and willingness to try things changes.
- Katie's son didn't eat a vegetable for a whole year...and noonetook her nutrition license away ;-)
- Serve dessert at dinner not afterwards sometimes. Teachesallfoods are normal and enjoyable.
- Never force a child to eat something. Child needs to be abletohave permission to not eat and learn how to say it politely.
- Meal time boundaries help everyone. Including givingcaregiversa chance to take a break. At some time we need to be ableto say,"THE KITCHEN IS CLOSED!" Healthy boundaries can preventpassing onthat eating disorder.
- All those caregivers out there: you are doing a great job!
Show Notes:
- The Division of Food Responsibility: The parent is in chargeofthe food choices and eating times, the child is in charge ofeatingas much or as little as they want. Morehere.
- The EllynSatterInstitute (thisweek's FoodPeaceSyllabus addition)
- EatingDisorderDietitians
- Julie DillonRDblog
Do you have a complicated relationship with food? Iwantto help! Send your Dear Food lettertoLoveFoodPodcast@gmail.com.
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