Ep 011: I'm tired of everyone talking about their diet!
Talking about a diet is just as normal as talking about the weather or the crazy that is Donald Trump. I can handle the weather yet diets, detoxes, and Donald need to go!
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Key Points:
- Thank you for your feedback! It feeds me like a bowl of fresh french fries.
- Win a Body Activism Kit by HAES Kits. Subscribe and leave a rating and review on iTunes. Take a screenshot of this and email it to LoveFoodPodcast@gmail.com. First person who does this after this show airs will win this awesome Body Activism kit.
- Someone with an eating disorder history going on a diet is just as deadly as someone with a peanut allergy eating a peanut butter sandwich.
- Diets, detoxes, cleanses, and exercise boot camps are indeed bullshit.
- Essential ingredients for an eating disorder: altered eating habits (diets!), negative body image, and genetics.
- Because cannot tell a person’s genetics by sight, we must use universal precautions: diets can potentially hurt anyone.
- Diets and disordered eating is considered normal eating—Boo!
- We are helping people recover from an eating disorder in a world that has yet to recover from its own eating disorder.
- Going against diet culture will feel like going against one’s biology. It’s hard work!
- 4 ideas to help stay on the path of recovery: Keep quarterly meetings with your eating disorder team even when in recovery; Find those normal eaters. Check out Episode 7 for more on Normal Eating. Take a social media detox especially during stressful times. Stay attuned. Your body has the wisdom so work to stay connected. Meditation practice gives your body a chance to flex its attunement muscle.
- When feeling vulnerable, our body can show its white surrender flag and that it needs something via the craving to diet. When crave a diet/eating disorder behavior try this instead:
- What was going on right before the temptation?
- What were you experiencing/feeling/hearing via brain messages?
- Examine what you find and give yourself what you NEED during those times.
- Craving diet and over exercise may be your body’s way of letting you know you have an unmet needs.
Show Notes:
- Julie's favorite meditation app (oh, the irony!): Insight Timer. Be sure to check out their inspiring Instagram page @insight...it is Julie's favorite for pictorial words of wisdom.
- Win a Body Activism Kit by HAES Kits. Subscribe and leave a rating and review on iTunes. Take a screenshot of this and email it to LoveFoodPodcast@gmail.com. First person who does this after this show airs will win this awesome Body Activism kit
- Eating Disorder Dietitians
- Julie Dillon RD blog
Do you have a complicated relationship with food? I want to help! Send your Dear Food letter to LoveFoodPodcast@gmail.com.
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Thank you for listening to the Love, Food series. Give me feedback via Twitter @EatingPermitRD.
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