CABW 001: Suzanne Miller
Kindness inspires. Each one of us sharing one simple act of kindness; imagine the difference we could make in this world.
Is there a reason why you give back? Was it a life event that propelled you into this new trajectory? Many of us had a role model or choose to give back with our time, talents, and treasures.
In this episode, we meet uber-connector and mother of Fort Collins, Suzanne Miller, who has stepped into a role of creating a pay-it-forward movement due to a tragic event in her own life and the friends who surrounded her. Listen as she speaks the truth and focuses on the importance of making the most of your life.
For more information to volunteer, support, or connect with Suzanne Miller:
Hosted by Natalie Phillips. Produced by Chris Lanphear and Charles Joseph Kelly for NoCo FM.
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