S03E07 | Part 1: Expand your Masonic knowledge beyond the foundations of the Craft Degrees
Link- https://linktr.ee/theashlarspodcastJoin The Ashlars as we delve into a three part series and explain how you can plan your masonic career and delve into the various orders in Freemasonry. This is Part 1.We now have a YouTube channel, linked to below! Watch us as we present to you the Light of Freemasonry and share the wealth of Wisdom of India Freemasons.Reach out to us: Email - theashlarspodcast@gmail.comYoutube - https://www.youtube.com/@theashlars Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ashlarsthe/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/theashlars Twitter - https://twitter.com/TAshlars Hubhopper - https://theashlars.hubhopper.comGrand Lodge of India - http://grandlodgeofindia.inRegional Grand Lodge of Southern India - http://www.rglsi.org.in