How to Handle Tire Kickers: Turn Indecisive Prospects into Committed Clients
Do you find yourself entangled with tire kickers—those prospects who keep you on the hook without ever committing? If so, you're not alone; this episode is for you.
Today, Nikki dives into practical strategies to support you in closing more sales by recognizing and managing these non-committal clients.
You’ll learn how to masterfully handle indecisive prospects so you can either guide them toward a decision or gracefully "bless and release" them, saving you valuable time and energy.
Nikki shares her proven methods for setting boundaries, from pre-framing techniques in calls to playing “cat” to build curiosity.
By the end, you’ll have the tools to spot and manage these "tire kickers," protect your time, and engage with clients who are genuinely ready to move forward.
Tune in to discover Nikki’s insights for setting clear boundaries and positioning yourself with confidence—no more chasing after those elusive tire kickers!
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In This Episode:
[00:41] How to handle those tire kickers? Turn them into committed clients or 'bless and release".
[01:47] Nikki defines "tire kicker".
[03:00] Are you doing something to continue this behavior and allow it to keep going?
[04:09] There's always a balance of power in sales.
[05:04] Starting with a pre-frame in order to set expectations. "The purpose of today's call is to answer any last calls, and then we'll decide today whether we'll be working together."
[08:15] "Bless and release" or stopping lobbing the ball back and forth.
[09:45] "If you're not ready now, I respect that. Reach out to me when you're ready to move forward."
[10:06] Playing cat. Pulling back a little bit and letting them take action in order to move forward.
[13:34] When they're not ready to move forward, you must stop coaching and giving free advice.
[14:38] Some "tire kickers" will just continue to take and take.
[15:33] I now offer 15-minute Spotlight Coaching sessions for people who have a quick question or just want to pick my brain.
[17:35] It might make sense for you to have something like this in play.
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