Episode #5: How to awaken your child's inner potential ft Chitra Ravi
Is it truly an era of partnerships between school, teachers and parents? How can SEL be more than a subject? Are mindfulness practices in schools just a fad? Let's get answers to this and more incredible stuff in this conversation.How important is inculcating curiosity, creativity and resilience in kids? How can socio-emotional learning be more than a subject in school? How can schools and parents truly come together to create a winning environment for children? Educational visionary and founder and CEO of Chrysalis, Chitra Ravi, helps us get into what our schools are getting right and where there is need for improvement. In this honest conversation full of wise nuggets for parents, we talk about the need for change, the challenges but overall the hope that we can do better by our kids. #calmkids #calmparenting