Ep 26 - The Quiet Gentleman
In this episode we talk about a very dysfunctional family and deep-rooted resentments that might prove deadly. There’s intrigue, danger and mystery galore, plus delightfully prosaic heroine, Drusilla, who knows just where to place a problematic epergne.
Our hero, St Erth, faces multiple attempts on his life, and perhaps even more frighteningly, must live under the same roof as his stepmother and short-tempered half-brother Martin. At least he’s got his sensible cousin Theo on hand to offer him sage advice and keep him safe. Right?!
‘What happened to me?’ he asked. ‘You met with a slight accident, but it is of no consequence. You will be better directly.’ ‘Oh!’ His eyelids were drooping again, but he smiled, and murmured: ‘You are always coming to my rescue!’
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