Fighting Irrational Fears | Stop Overthinking | Hindi Motivational Story narrated by Simerjeet Singh

Funny Story on Fighting Irrational Fears | Funny Story in Hindi with Moral | Motivational Story in Hindi narrated by Simerjeet Singh | Change Management Story in Hindi | Simerjeet Singh Story   Life's best lessons are found in the most humorous of tales!! Here is a funny story narrated by motivational speaker Simerjeet Singh about a tall Pathan who never bought a bus ticket and how this affected the conductor. The conductor is a little shorter than 5 feet and feeling "small" and "scared" because of his short height, he would hesitatingly go to the Pathan and ask him to buy the ticket - the Pathan refused each time. This brought in feelings of insult, lack and shame in the conductor's heart. The conductor finally decides to go on a vacation. He works hard to building a strong physique, takes self-defence classes and finally, comes back to take the role of conductor 3 months later. He now has the courage to ask the question he should have asked the Pathan 3 months ago; why he wouldn't buy a ticket. Listen to the audio on what the conductor discovered. In this Hindi motivational audio, Simerjeet Singh speaks about the demons that we create inside our minds that may or may not have real existence. Simply called irrational fears and imaginary problems, by learning to recognize these and destroy them before reacting, we can strive to make our lives so much more simple. Many a time, it's the inner dialogue that we have with ourselves that decides our mental health and how we deal with problems in life. Tales like this one teach us the importance of self-confidence and rational thinking. Go on, listen to this tale and spread the message. #SJSHindiStory #SimerjeetSinghStory #inspiration_story #motivational_story #hindimoralstories #moralstories #storytime #hindistory #hindistory #motivationalstory #storiesforyouth #SimerjeetSinghHindiAudios We all have a Story to tell, whether we whisper or yell. Our life is our story. Write well. Edit often. These short motivational stories with Moral recited by International motivational speaker Simerjeet Singh teach us that sometimes problems are not too big, we are too small to solve the problems because we make the things big in our mind. These inspirational stories on trust will help you to trust your self in difficult situations. In this funny story we find that the conductor was afraid just by seeing the Pathan's physique, he was judging the book by the cover. And his fear grew day by day.

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