How to Overcome Getting Stuck
The first thing always recommend to solve a problem is to first identify it. Which always seems to be the hardest part and tend to spend more time on it than we would like. It can take awhile to know that where you are with life that you might be stuck and need to do something about it. Being stuck isn’t always apparent and can come to conclusion by a variety of ways. Due to how the average human works, to avoid doing things that difficult to only do things that are fun. Procrastination can lead to a taking on a bunch of easier tasks than taking on a big one so we feel more accomplished. Then the largest tasks will always remain undone. Once you’ve identified your problem, you are already well on your way to from ‘I’m stuck’ to ‘I’m unstuck’. By only starting something you can do about it. The next time you find yourself stuck, here’s a few ways you can overcome it: 1. Apply Tried-and-True Problem Solving Frameworks At the core there’s no magic procedure for problem solving. If that was possible, all of life’s problems would be generated into a formula that would work every time. Good new though, is there’s always a way to look at solution that can bring a lot of different outcomes. One way is to always look at the perspective as an abstract. We like to be practical in addressing the negatives in our lives. Instead of asking ‘what can I do to be smarter.’ We ask ‘what can I do to not look dumb.’ By looking at this way can climate the problems that warping our perspective. 2. Give It a Rest: The Incubation Period When you know you’ve gone into your procrastination habit of doing what you like instead of doing what you should. Then what? You’re halfway there! so you feel the need to focus on the problem. Hold on though, it may seems like it at first, but once you notice the pattern, being patient pays off. Let you consciousness do most of the work here. This is referred to the incubation period by scientists. Since our brains work on problems after it decides to abandon them to do something else. Einstein called it the combative play and was able to experience the easier parts of learning the violin The activities that are done in wen you’re alone to allow your mind to wander such as long walks, meditation or a good sleep letyour subconscious work it self out. This is why we get those glorious shower thoughts. Every moment, it’s easy to make bad adhesions. So the more time you put in, the less of those bad decisions will be focused on. There’s a reason why all the most successful people who are also problem solvers constant reflect where they are in life. This realization almost always comes from being alone. 3. Seek Outside Perspective It’s important to always get unbiased feedback whether from a spouse, a therapist, a mentor, or an honest friend. This will always bring perspective in solving your problem. Talk about what the problem is, what you’ve done, and where you’re stuck. Because the person you’re talking to lives outside of the problem, they can look inward without biases. So they can ask questions you haven’t asked yourself. Sometimes the right thing to do may not always be obvious. May be you need to break down your problem into smaller problems that can easier be solved via different people. This can help brainstorm over multiple people sessions and great way to network. No One Is Immune That’s the unfortunate thing, everyone will eventually get stuck in time or another. All the times we caught ourselves looking at a blank screen or piece of paper. The amount projects we should be doing but we just don’t know where to start. It shows that we can recognize what being stuck is about. Eventually you can learn where your problem is and find your inner solution or ask for help. Get that sleep, and you may have found what you were looking for. It’s about starting.