Ep. 52: James TUSK interview
In this podcast episode I am talking with James TUSK - one of the most knows daygamers and daygame coaches on YouTube. James bio: James TUSK - Dating Expert For Busy Professionals a Entrepreneurs In The 21st Century We believe the modern man has lost his balls and the ability to go after what he wants. Project-Tusk was created to help busy, high value professional men rediscover what it means to be a red blooded male by teaching our clients how to meet, attract a date their dream girl(s) without a single swipe on a dating app or ever having to set foot in a noisy, sweaty night club. We believe as a pre requisite to taking himself seriously and living in an attractive masculine reality, the 21st Century Modern man must, as a bare minimum, be able to communicate with the the fairer sex in a direct, authentic and expressive way. Learn more about James on his website - http://jamestusk.com/ Support on Patreon - http://strobert.blog/patreon http://strobert.blog Free daygame, texting and dating courses - https://daygamecourses.com Struggling with approach anxiety and doing enough sets? Check this - https://strobert.blog/FreeAACourse Doing a lot of sets but can't get results? Check this - https://strobert.blog/LearnDaygameFaster