Ep 0 - How To Make This Podcast Work For You and Why Listen To This?

Welcome to THE podcast that will teach you how to recover after infidelity has wrecked your relationship.   Brought to you by Brad a Morgan Robinson.  Brad is a national expert on affair recovery and has helped couples strengthen their relationship for nearly a decade.  Morgan creates content to help you recover.  You can find the resources at healingbrokentrust.com   We are so incredibly humbled that you decided to download and hopefully subscribe to our healing broken trust podcast.  We want to start by sharing with you what this healing broken trust podcast is all about and why we are doing it and a few other things.   First, welcome to episode 0 we are really excited for you to be here because it means that you’re considering healing the broken trust in your relationship.  Maybe you’re definitely sure you want to save your relationship, maybe one or both of you is not sure you want to save your marriage but you’re listening to this to see if it’s even possible to heal.  You may be considering what to do or how to move past this big stain on your relationship.  Before you make any definite decisions please listen to this podcast and if you can join our weekly group calls and ask questions.   Whatever your situation, whether you’ve been betrayed or you’re the betrayer and you’re wanting to figure out what to do from here, we can help you.  Even if there’s been multiple affairs or one person isn’t even convinced that there’s been an affair this podcast is for you.   Find additional resources at healingbrokentrust.com   So let’s talk about what we will be covering specifically in this podcast...   So we start with a birds eye view of the healing process with episode 1.  We talk about the stages of recovery.  This is important because you can see and understand the normal recovery process and understand where you might be getting stuck in healing.   We discuss the things that keep people from healing and how to get unstuck and make progress.  We talk about falling out of love with the affair partner and how to fall back in love with your spouse.  We reveal the secrets to healing and identify the one thing you need in order to heal after betrayal.   We talk about how to stop fighting and avoiding important topics.  We talk about how to cut off the affair partner and we establish ground rules for talking about the affair.   We also make sure to answer why affairs happen and how people become vulnerable to infidelity.   We give you the right questions to ask to understand why it happened to you, we talk about whether you should stay or go, and whether all affairs are created equal.   We talk about forgiveness, rekindling romantic love with your spouse, we challenge the myths and false beliefs keeping you down, and finally we talk about how to live the life you really want the life full of growth, love, and happiness.   So sit back and relax and unpack the Healing Broken Trust Podcast with Brad and Morgan Robinson.    Remember we are always just a click away at healingbrokentrust.com  

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