Announcing a Price Increase to Existing Clients Without Losing Business

Have you ever felt uneasy about announcing a price increase to your clients, fearing it might drive them away?  

Maybe you’ve hesitated to raise your rates, even though you know it’s time, worrying about how to communicate the change without sounding apologetic—or worse, losing trust.  

Today’s episode is here to help you handle these conversations with confidence and ease. 

Nikki dives into the art of presenting a price increase as a simple, straightforward update while maintaining the strong client relationships you’ve worked hard to build.  

You’ll learn practical tips to announce a price increase, like framing it positively, avoiding over-explaining, and choosing the right timing and tone. Nikki even shares sample language that takes the sting out of the news, so you feel empowered to communicate with clarity and professionalism.  

By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped to announce your new rates confidently, handle objections gracefully, and even “bless and release” clients who no longer fit your business—making room for growth and higher-value opportunities.  

If announcing a price increase feels like a daunting task, this episode will shift your mindset and show you how to turn a potentially awkward conversation into a win-win for you and your clients. 

Tune in and discover how to approach announcing a price increase in a way that reinforces trust, value, and your professionalism.

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In This Episode:

[00:42] How to communicate a price increase to your existing clients without losing business. Raising prices is one of the most difficult things business owners do.

[01:41] When you can handle your price increase conversations with confidence, it really will improve your client retention rate.

[02:02] Being honest and direct creates trust, and people buy from people who they trust.

[03:02] Frame it as this is the new rate moving forward. Language is important, so you don't want to set the tone that the price is being raised. They get to decide how they feel about the new rate.

[04:12] It's just news.

[05:01] Please be informed that as of, and then you insert the date, the rate for our work together will now be X, Y, Z. 

[06:17] Don't over-explain or try to justify.

[08:06] Timing matters. Some clients will need notice in advance. Communicate live whenever possible. Words, voice quality, and body language. Zoom is your first choice, then phone, and then email.

[10:50] You also want a clear date of when this change takes place for existing clients.

[11:59] New prospects don't need to know about the price increase. It's just the price.

[12:53] Unless you're using the price increase as an incentive to buy now, it's irrelevant to the people who aren't your clients.

[13:22] You want the message to be clear and confident. Open the door if they do have any questions.

[14:40] Sometimes when you raise rates, you will lose clients. Be prepared to "bless and release" the people who are no longer a fit as you scale your business.

[15:56] A client story about the benefit of raising rates. The person in this example now works 25 hours less a week and still makes the same amount of money.


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Episode 144: Questions To Ask Before Communicating A Price Increase


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