What to Watch on Netflix - The Receipts Podcast
If you don't already know about The Receipts podcast, prepare yourself for one of the most entertaining listens of your life. Dotty sat down with Tolly, Milena and Audrey for a no-holds-barred talk through all their favourite Netflix shows - and good grief -these girls watch a LOT of it! There are FAR too many shows to name here, but holy smokes - if you're in a bit of a Netflix rut, these ladies have got it covered. From True Crime to comedy, not a single streaming stone gets left unturned. It's unfiltered, fresh and raucous - you have been warned! Jamie also spent a few minutes chatting to Lana Wilson - the director who had the amazing task of following Taylor Swift around for a few years to give us a glimpse into the life of the world's biggest star! We hope you enjoy listening. if you have anything you'd like to ask or say, please drop us a line over on twitter - our handle is @NetflixUK