EP3 - Tuscan bread, the staple of Tuscan cooking

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Things we talked about in this episode:

- The Dinner Sister Podcast https://dinnersisters.com/podcast/2019/2/17/dinnerparty-italian-winter
- Pane toscano, or the Tuscan bread made without salt
- History and legends
- Pane Toscano DOP, the Tuscan Bread disciplinary https://www.qualigeo.eu/en/prodotto-qualigeo/pane-toscano-pdo/
- Tuscan bread as merenda, the afternoon snack
- Stale Tuscan bread as the staple of Tuscan cooking

Recipes mentioned in this episode:
- Pappa al Pomodoro https://en.julskitchen.com/tuscany/best-pappa-al-pomodoro
- Panzanella https://en.julskitchen.com/tuscany/tuscan-panzanella-tomato-bread-salad
- Minestra di pane https://en.julskitchen.com/first-course/soup/bean-and-bread-soup
- Acquacotta https://en.julskitchen.com/tuscany/acquacotta-tuscan-soup
- Stuffed chicken https://en.julskitchen.com/seasonal/winter/stuffed-roast-chicken
- Bread pudding cake https://en.julskitchen.com/dessert/cakes-pies/bread-pudding-cake

I’d love to hear from you:
Have you ever baked, or tried, Tuscan bread? Was it a surprise whern you first tried it in Tuscany? Which is your relationship with bread? Is it fundamental for you as for us in Tuscany or is it just something that you happen to eat?
Share it with me via email or with a post or a story on Instagram using the hashtag #cookingwithanitalianaccent and tagging @julskitchen.

I will also answer listeners’ questions about Italian and Tuscan cooking. So, if you have a question in your mind, just email me or join our Facebook Group Cooking with Juls’ Kitchen. I’ll answer your questions at the end of each episode.

Find me online at www.julskitchen.com or on Instagram https://instagram.com/julskitchen/

Join our Facebook Group Cooking with Juls’ Kitchen: https://www.facebook.com/groups/775325049335625/
Email me at juls@julskitchen.com

Podcast realized by https://instagram.com/tommyonweb

[ITALIANO] Ricette menzionate nell’episodio:
- Pappa al Pomodoro https://it.julskitchen.com/primi-piatti/zuppa/la-mia-migliore-pappa-al-pomodoro-per-lestate
- Panzanella https://it.julskitchen.com/primi-piatti/la-cucina-di-nonna-menna-la-panzanella
- Minestra di pane https://it.julskitchen.com/primi-piatti/zuppa/la-cucina-di-nonna-menna-la-minestra-di-pane
- Acquacotta https://it.julskitchen.com/primi-piatti/zuppa/lacquacotta-maremmana-e-la-minestra-di-sassi
- Pollo arrosto ripieno https://it.julskitchen.com/secondi-piatti/carne/pollo-arrosto-ripieno
- Torta di pane https://it.julskitchen.com/dolci/torta-di-pane-per-colazione

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