[25] 4 Steps For Making Time Your Beep!
Happy February. It's productivity month because I keep hearing you never had time to email list your. Well today we're going to create time. Be sure to head over to https://myadaptablecareer.com/kate/ to save your seat for The Make 2018 YOUR MOST PROFITABLE YEAR YET Masterclass with Emily McGee of MyAdaptableCareer.com on FEB. 21, 2018
Tool of the week: Trelloing for Traffic If you’re a fun loving blogger and biz owner, with over 12 tabs open now, who gets easily distracted and is drowning in a pipe-hot bowl of ” I’m so overwhelmed! I have no clue what do next!” soup —keep scrolling you’re gonna want to see this… It's Trello-ing For Traffic with over 22 Custom Pre-made Trello Boards & 16 Checklists covering everything from what to do in a mega launch (and when), to creating a content & promotional calendar you can stick to, we even tackle webinars. Created by a free-spirited procrastinator for other wild child biz owners who NEVER wear matching socks and can't find their keys. And not to toot my own horn but these workflows have been called LIFE CHANGING by more the one for the nearly 100 students that scooped up this program in its first week. Grab your copy now...for only $24 bucks https://www.trelloingfortraffic.com
Resources Mentioned in this episode:
CEO vs Worker Bee from Fizzle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iRzxuXhqfg
Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy Ep 102 : How to Create Content Rituals to Get More Done (Tiger Time)