Episode 77: Med Ed for Residents, Fellows, and Faculty (Part 2)
Dr. Navin Kumar, an attending gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, medical educator at Harvard Medical School, and co-founder of Run the List podcast talks with RTL host Blake Smith in a two-part series focused on Med Ed. This second episode caters to later trainees - residents, fellows, and new attendings/faculty - as they seek out opportunities in Med Ed. Navin offers some pearls for listeners - to diversify your educational portfolio, strive to be scholarly, take on formal learning opportunities, and seek out opportunities to become a more effective teacher with avenues for feedback and evaluation. The episode closes with a focus on digital medical education and the role of #MedTwitter and podcasting in teaching.
Navin's famous SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) tweetorial: https://twitter.com/navinkumarmd/status/1270014308701831168