Castle of Spirits Audio Ghost Stories #8
Welcome to the Castle of Spirits Podcast #8! I have three stories for you in this episode: - A child is terrorized by a monstrous head appearing in the middle of the night - A ghostly nun appears to a young mother in Puerto Rico - A man relates his experiences from his old basement apartment. As always, thank you for listening and your support! :) As always the sounds and music are from and ccMixter and are as follows: 56338__erh__strings-sbrx2-45; 198921__richardculver__eerieambience23 - - freesound "The Ghosts Are Here ...." by VickyDan 2016 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) - "Deep Blue Scream" by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) 2016 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) - "Ghosts in the wind" by Abstract Audio 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) - 34171__glaneur-de-sons__woosh-01 319537__kleine-blume__woman-crying 29585__willpio__heartbeat-human 332116__rambler52__rain-storm 344270__inspectorj__glass-smash-bottle-g 399303__dogfishkid__explosion-012 66774__kevinkace__canvas-tent-2 346211__inspectorj__door-squeak-normal-e 201953__michaelkoehler__bump-crash-poke-on-a-shelf 326048__freeman213sg__muted-wall-hit 85165__cmusounddesign__jf-footsteps 211528__the-yura__crying-newborn-baby-child-2 155664__idspence161__car-accelerate-stop-turn-off-door-open-and-close