How To Beat “Numbers” Impostor Syndrome As A Young Entrepreneur
Is fear causing you to avoid all things budgets, balance sheets, and bookkeeping for your business? Do you think the numbers might somehow prove you’re not meant to run a business? If that sounds familiar then you definitely need to hear Trinity Mouzon Wofford’s (@trinitymouzon) story. She’s not even 30 yet and she’s a testament to the fact that you’re never too young to run a successful business doing what you love. Trinity is co-founder of Golde - the health and beauty company that uses superfoods as its core ingredient, promoting good health and beauty. Trinity is also the youngest Black woman to launch a line at Sephora. Listen to her story and let the impostor syndrome melt away. Use #UnBossedPodcast to share your thoughts on the episode and how you’re beating impostor syndrome! UnBossed Host: Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) Executive Producer: Tiffany Ashitey (@misstiffsays) Producers: Ashley Hobbs (@ashleylatruly) + Shantel Holder (@shadesofshan_) Bookings: Ashley Hobbs, Marquita Harris, Tiffany Ashitey Audio: Anthony Frasier (@anthonyfrasier) + Josh Gwynn (@regardingjosh) Music: Gold Standard Creative (@gscdotnyc)