Learning To Delegate Is A Boss Move

We all know that building a business is no easy feat. We have so many i’s to dot, t’s to cross and obstacles to hurdle. Understanding the value of the team and learning to delegate to those we trust are paramount to business success and our own mental health and wellness. No one knows this better than Backstage Capital founder, Arlan Hamilton (@arlanwashere) who has met and exceeded her business goals many times over. Two things she very clear on? Acknowledging and utilizing her support system and not micromanaging. Listen to this episode to hear her story and grab some nuggets for business success. Let UnBossed host Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) know what you think using #UnBossedPodcast! This episode is sponsored by Nationwide. Key Takeaways: 12:19 - How Arlan stayed motivated through over a decade of homelessness 29:37 - Separating the strengths from the weaknesses to delegate 30:52 - What being UnBossed means to Arlan Plus stick around, for BONUS career tip segment (Sponsored by Nationwide) Valeisha Butterfield-Jones (WEEN) + Kristi Martin-Rodriguez (Nationwide) share their tips for building and leaving a legacy in your professional and personal lives, from starter to retirement. Key Takeaways: 47:30 - Valeisha shares how her first (and still) mentor (Kevin Liles) motivated her to move from intern to SVP, in the music industry 51:44 - The Do’s a Don’ts of giving and getting mentorship 55:42 - The REAL difference mentorship and sponsorship 1:10:17 - Managing burnout UnBossed Host: Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) Executive Producer: Tiffany Ashitey (@misstiffsays) Producers: Ashley Hobbs (@ashleylatruly) + Shantel Holder (@shadesofshan_) Bookings: Ashley Hobbs, Marquita Harris, Tiffany Ashitey Audio: Anthony Frasier (@anthonyfrasier) + Josh Gwynn (@regardingjosh)  Music: Gold Standard Creative (@gscdotnyc)

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