Student Loans Don’t Have to Be a Life Sentence

Nearly 15% of the American population owes over $1 trillion in student loan debt. Let that sit with your soul. It goes without saying that student loan debt is a disease, a crisis, and a tragedy all rolled into one. However, it’s not a financial life sentence. We decided to seek a doctor to help us with this epidemic. The 'Student Loan Doctor', Sonia Lewis (@thestudentloandoctor) is here to help treat the condition and offer a prescription to relieve your student loans. Host, Marquita Harris (@marquita_harris_) spent time with Sonia to get some real advice on how to manage the financial pain. Grab your pen and paper, cause we have some homework to do. Reach out to Marquita, and share your Unbossed journey with us. Be sure to use #unbossedpodcast.

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