24: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters: Chapters 11 and 12
“With sexists, zombies, and rivalry galore – how could we not end up with an exploding boat, a loss of a loved one, followed by the figure of the century who represents every targeted dieting and so called self-care adds and parental figures in everyone’s lives and a need for the RSPCA to be called for Guinea Pig mistreatment. Oh, and Percy controls boats now.” _________________________To support the show, be sure to find us on Instagram and Twitter @bestdamcamppod and on Tumblr at thebestdamcamp.tumblr.com. If you'd like to get your thoughts across, you can email us at thebestdamcamp@hotmail.com.Percy Jackson Merchandise.On Writing: How to Master Pacing - Hello Future MeFor more Percy Jackson content check out Fran's YouTube channel A Healthy Dose of Fran and support her via Patreon.Nickel Anarchy: Instagram and RedbubbleTaylor Paisley-French: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Spotify_________________________Black Lives Matter links and resources: Ways to Help PLEASE SIGN PETITIONS, DONATE, CALL AND EMAIL TO DEMAND JUSTICE, AND SHARE Twitter Thread on how to support if you have no money Support for the Black Trans Community Twitter Thread for Black Creative Talent to support Advice on how to support from the UK Who to donate too 8 Lessons I Learned About Racism That Were Helpful to me a White Person Support Protestors Racism and the UK Checkpoint World Wide Mental Health Hotlines Support for the Trans community: How Black Trans People All About Trans Website Stonewall Website Support UK Mermaids Charity