15: Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief: Chapters 19 and 20
“We enter the concert of the dead and meet Number One Manager Hades who reveals that he has also been stolen from, and that Percy is kinda not really a thief! We say goodbye to Sally (sobs) again, as our trio escape – only for the wild LA showdown between God and Godling, I wonder who will wi- oh it’s the 12-year-old, OK, sure.” o support the show, be sure to find us on Instagram and Twitter @bestdamcamppod and on Tumblr at thebestdamcamp.tumblr.com. If you'd like to get your thoughts across, you can email us at thebestdamcamp@hotmail.com.Percy Jackson Merchandise.Music Recommendation: Home Alright by Terry Zhong For more Percy Jackson content check out Fran's YouTube channel A Healthy Dose of Fran and support her via Patreon.Nickel Anarchy: Instagram and RedbubbleTaylor Paisley-French: Instagram, YouTube, and Spotify__________________Everyone needs a little help now and then, and that’s OK. If you or someone you know, need support or maybe you just need someone to understand, there is always someone to call. CheckPoint provides Mental Health Hotline numbers Worldwide. Remember, it’s OK to not be OK.https://checkpointorg.com/global/