3: Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes
“Who cut off Medusa's head? Who was raised by a she-bear? Who fell in love with love? It takes a demigod to know, and Percy Jackson can fill you in on all the daring deeds of Perseus, Atalanta, Orpheus, and the rest of the kinda sorta ish major Greek heroes in this surprising well-informed Heroes book, with shade and glory galore, what could go wrong? Well, other than their painful deaths.” Our modern Demigod heroes aren't alone with their tragedy, nor are they the first to be heroes. Today we look back at the past and explore the heroes that inspired us and how... most of them sucked. Let's dive in.To support the show, be sure to find us on Instagram and Twitter @bestdamcamppod and on Tumblr at thebestdamcamp.tumblr.com. If you'd like to get your thoughts across, you can email us at thebestdamcamp@hotmail.com. For more Percy Jackson content check out Fran's YouTube channel A Healthy Dose of Fran.Nickel Anarchy's Art