S1E4: Do I Need A Sex Ed Do-Over?
What absolutely untrue narratives were you taught about your body? Sex? Relationships? For those of us who’ve been severely miseducated, sexpert, Shan Boodram aka Shan Boody (@shanboody) is HERE on our first crossover episode between The Solve and Yes,Girl! She’s here to clear up, clarify, and re-educate all of us who have at any point in life been terribly miseducated about all things relationships! The best things about this chat with Shan are her 100% honesty and relatability, and the incredible perspective shift that is sure to happen when you listen! Everything from flirting to figuring out how you want to experience intercourse - Shan lays out a real case for sex ed reform! Listen and share with a friend because you know we all need fresh perspective! Let host, Charli Penn (Twitter: @ManWifeDog, IG: @charlipenn) know what you think of the episode using #TheSolvePodcast! Also, grab Shan’s new book that is taking the internet by storm: www.thegameofdesire.com! The Solve Host: Charli Penn (@charlipenn) Executive Producer: Tiffany Ashitey (@misstiffsays) Producers: Ashley J. Hobbs (@ashleylatruly) + Shantel Holder (@shadesofshan_) Bookings: Ashley J. Hobbs + Tiffany Ashitey + Charli Penn Audio: Josh Gwynn (@regardingjosh) + Anthony Frasier (@anthonyfrasier) Music: Gold Standard Creative (@gscdotnyc)