#27: For the First Time Ever: Spencer's Strategy Review on the Podcast

For the first time ever, I am so excited to bring my slightly nerdy strategy review to the podcast. It's short, but packed with insights and advice. So, do let me know what you think once you've listened to it!

July’s review was a surprising one. I really didn't expect to have to repeat things 6 months down the line. I shouldn't need to explain why it's necessary for owners and business leaders to train their management and their sales staff, but so many businesses don't get it! The result that your business is looking for is possible if you would only consider the needs of your employees.

I also realised after riding 560kms from London to Paris in three days, what it really means to be an entrepreneur. For those of you who are considering going out on your own, this will be really valuable advice.

I'd love to know your thoughts on this review so drop me a comment below with anything interesting you picked up on in the month!

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