S1E13 Miriam Miley-Read
Miriam Miley-Read plays and sings with trad-Dixieland jazz band Zackerbilks. I had a great chat to her at Smith’s Alternative in Canberra.
Miriam and I both LOVE our Cordoba ukuleles – and if you’re interested, here is mine.
Miriam mentioned an appearance at Artsound FM, a Canberra community radio station.
And she also mentioned the National Folk Festival, which happens annually in Canberra at Easter. There is always a lot of ukulele going on there!
Miriam played a couple of tunes:
“Ice Cream” by Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, and Robert King (1927)
“In A Persian Market” by Albert Ketèlbey (1920)
The music played in this episode is licenced under a Podcasts (Featured Music) agreement with APRA AMCOS.