4 - There Were Giants in the Earth
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: The Robinsons find Will in time to save him from the Robot, who is temporarily de-activated. The family are beginning to settle down on the strange planet when they become aware that a Giant is prowling the valley. That & the discovery that the temperature is dropping rapidly, causes them to decide to move south. They pack up the Chariot & start off, except Smith, who refuses to leave the ‘safety’ of the Jupiter 2. They escape the Giant, who tries to block their way out of the valley but running into a heavy storm they seek shelter in what appears to be a cave in the mountainside. Once inside, they find themselves I a huge corridor with stone walls carved with strange alien hieroglyphics.
PRODUCTION OVERVIEW-Writer: Carey Wilber (story by S. Wincelberg), Director: Leo Penn, Producer: Jerry Briskin, Executive Producer: Irwin Allen.
Film dates: 23-27 August 1965 (6 days), Air date: Wednesday October 6, 1965 (no-summer repeat)
PODCAST SYNOPSIS: Intro-Welcome, Production Notes, Show review, Next Week Preview, Outro
LINKS: http://www.jacobsbrownmediagroup.com/lost-in-space-collector-set.html
EMAIL: alphacontrolpodcast@gmail.com