What to do when your copywriting client goes A.W.O.L.
Once you’ve got a few copywriting projects under your belt, you learn that some clients will respond very quickly and others will take a short ice age to reply. But how long is too long? When do you know your client is MISSING IN ACTION and what should you do?
Tune in to learn:
- Why clients legitimately go missing
- How long should you wait?
- How too long is too long?
- How you can avoid having clients go missing
- How to follow up with clients after the quote, proposal, first draft and last draft
- What to do if the worst happens.
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Links mentioned in this article:
- End of project sign off document - The Clever Copywriting School
- Copywriting templates email pack - The Clever Copywriting School
- The Zen Guide to Shitty Clients - Kate Toon
- Optimum Recoveries - an Australian debt collection agency