01- Animanicast Episode 1- The podcast dedicated to "The Animaniacs"- "De-Zanitized" / "The Monkey Song" / "Nighty-Night Toon"
Join Joey, Nathan, and Kelly for the first episode of the “Animanicast!” A podcast dedicated to the 90’s cartoon show: Animaniacs!
If you’re a fan of Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Pinky and/or The Brain- THIS PODCAST IS FOR YOU!
Segments discussed in this episode include:
“Newsreel of the Stars” /The Animaniacs Theme Song/”DEZANITIZED”/”The Monkey Song”/”Nighty-Night Toon”
Original “Monkey Song” : https://youtu.be/aGkLWaOOxEI
Contact us! www.twitter.com/animanicast
Opening theme song performed by Kontra5t
Cover Art by @jedishua