17: Decide You’re Going To Be Ok, Act Confident, and Keep Moving Forward – OKREAL Founder AMY FRASER
Founder of OKREAL Amy Fraser is a dear friend and a powerhouse businesswoman committed to helping women find fulfillment through community and connection. The website OKREAL was love at first sight – it’s a brilliant and relatable curation of wisdom like no other. Back when Amy was in New York, we used to meet up for breakfast and have the most enlightening brainstorming sessions. This time around, we’re sharing our conversation with you.
In this episode, we talk about:
- How Amy went from writing a website that no one but her mom read to creating a global content and events empire based on empowering women
- How OKREAL didn’t make money for one year after launching and what Amy did to start monetizing it
- The role that social media played in the success of OKREAL
- The mindset that helped her build a successful business
- How Amy built extremely successful series of events for women sponsored by brands like Everlane and Lou & Grey
- What non-traditional marketing moves she used to grow OKREAL
- Fulfillment over success
- Where she found support when going through a divorce while pregnant and becoming a single mom
- Interview with Ksenia Avdulova on OKREAL
- A vintage interview with Amy on Breakfast Criminals
Connect with Amy Fraser:
OKREAL is a curation of wisdom shared by aspirational women. Through online content and offline activations, we guide women in determining what their version of fulfillment looks like and how to create it. OKREAL is based in New York City and was founded by Amy Fraser in 2014. Amy Fraser is a communicator whose mission is to uplift women through community and connection. She founded OKREAL to provide a resource for a modern community of women who are striving to create their own path, and want authentic advice to help them do so.
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