08: How To Overcome Comparison and FOMO In The Age Of Social Media – KATIE HORWITCH
Katie Horwitch is committed to shifting the self-talk paradigm and providing tools and resources to change women’s limiting negative talk patterns in a lasting way. She does it through her podcast (WANTcast), website and events. In this brand new short series of Woke and Wired podcast, we discuss:
- Comparison and FOMO in the age of social media
- How the number of followers or likes you have doesn’t define who you are
- How to use jealousy as a pathway to find your longing
- How to connect to a sense of inner trust
Click here for episode shownotes.
About Katie Horwitch:
Katie Horwitch is a writer, speaker, artist, activist, and the founder of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk – a platform that gives women tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to move forward in their lives by shifting their negative self-talk patterns.
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