J.W. Rinzler: STAR WARS Historian and New York Times Bestselling Author

Today's episode features a conversation with the great J.W. Rinzler, the author of countless Star Wars behind-the-scenes books (my favorites) and one of the key voices for the galaxy for a long, long time. 

We talk all about his start at Lucasfilm, working with Rick McCallum and (very closely) George Lucas. We also dive into George's later focuses and the importance of the prequels and Brandon reveals his 1999 Halloween costume. 

The Enhanced Editions of his Making of trilogy can be found on iBooks and on Amazon and are seriously worth the $17.99: www.amazon.com/Making-Star-Wars-Enhanced-ebook/dp/B00DQQSD2W

We also discussed a few of his latest projects, including All Up, a fascinating look at the space program and its history: https://www.amazon.com/All-Up-J-W-Rinzler

Busy as ever, Mr. Rinzler's next book will be The Making of Planet of the Apes, which could be a whole episode in itself and can be pre-ordered here: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Planet-Apes-Jonathan-Rinzler

For more news about the author, check out JWRinzler.com or follow them on Twitter: www.twitter.com/JWRinzler

Thanks for tuning in and, until next Wednesday, may the Force be with us!

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